If you hold the Master Mason degree in Freemasonry, you qualify and are invited to join the Shrine. A man receives the three degrees known as the Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason Degrees in the Masonic Lodge, often known as the Symbolic Lodge, Blue Lodge or Craft Lodge. In Freemasonry, there is no higher degree than that of Master Mason (the Third Degree).

In many parts of North America, Masonry does not solicit members. In these areas, no one is asked to join, and a man must seek admission of his own free will — he must ask. In some areas, Masons are permitted to solicit new members. In all cases, a man interested in becoming a Mason, if he has not been asked, should consult a friend whom he believes to be a Freemason to secure his good counsel and recommendation concerning this important undertaking.

For men who would like to receive additional instruction and explanation regarding the allegory and symbolism learned in the Masonic Lodge, the Scottish Rite or the York Rite bodies elaborate on the basic tenets of Freemasonry.

The Shrine of North America is a fraternity that grew out of Freemasonry over a century ago. Because of this, the Shrine is dedicated to Masonic principles. The Shrine Fraternity provides Masonic brothers a means to widen the fellowship first enjoyed in the Blue Lodge. It also offers men, their wives and their families an opportunity to meet new friends who have similar interests, tastes and feelings.

Imperial Shrine by-laws, Article 23 states
Membership Requirements as:

a.) Prerequisite. A temple may not accept a petition from a candidate unless he is in good standing as a Master Mason of a lodge recognized by or in amity with the Conference of Grand Masters of North America.

b.) Single prerequisite. A temple may not add to or take from the qualifications for membership in temples as fixed by these by-laws.